How do I send order instructions to Coutts?

Our Coutts profile provides for an order to get physical processing and cataloging. If libraries do not want both of these, they need to use one of the codes below. Every order does not necessarily need a code.

  BK BKB BKF BKP [no code]
Bibliographic record No Yes No No Yes
Physical processing No No Full 1 Partial 2 Yes


BK: supply book only (no bibliographic record; no physical processing)

BKB: supply book (with bibliographic record; no physical processing)

BKF: supply book (no bibliographic record; with full physical processing1)

BKP: supply book (no bibliographic record; with partial physical processing2)

If you want a book without a call number label on the spine, add that to the end of the code. Example: BKF NO LABEL



1. Full physical processing

  • Provide the location code in all caps only if it is other than the default location code indicated in the library's profile.
  • Add the call number after the code.
  • Example: XXRF BKF=HV8138.R39


2. Partial processing

  • For books without DLC cataloging records
  • Provide the location code in all caps only if it is other than the default location code indicated in the library's profile.
  • Includes the following items if specified in the library's profile:
    • attach property stamp
    • insert detection device
    • attach barcode
    • attach due date/circ slip
    • attach pocket
    • insert notification slip(s)


Answered By:
Kristen Fredericksen
Last Updated:

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